
Hot Seat
Posted on September 30, 2016

The contestant sits in a moving chair and is brought to 5 small items.  At each item, the contestant must select whether the actual price of the item is higher or lower than the displayed incorrect price.  If the contestant is correct on at least one item, they win $500.  The contestant may then risk their earnings if they believe they have at least one more correct to win $2500, $5000, $10,000, and up to $20,000 if they have all 5 correct.

It’s In The Bag
Posted on July 31, 2013

Six grocery items are shown to the contestant, along with five bags displaying prices. The contestant must assign the correct items to the bags. If the contestant has assigned the correct item to the first bag, then they win $1,000. The contestant may stop the game and take the money or risk it all to double the money with the second bag. If the contestant successfully risks the money for all five bags, then they win $16,000.

Let ‘Em Roll
Posted on August 12, 2013

To earn rolls, the contestant must predict whether the prices of grocery items are higher or lower than the previous price. The contestant then uses those rolls to roll five cubes displaying car symbols and dollar amounts. If the contestant rolls five car symbols, then they win a car. After each roll, the contestant is given the option to stop the game and take the dollar symbols displayed.

Line ‘Em Up
Posted on August 12, 2013

Three prizes are described and their prices shown. The contestant must use the numbers in those prices to fill in the middle three digits in the price of a car. After the first attempt, the contestant is told how many digits are correct. The contestant has two attempts to complete the price of the car.

Lucky Seven
Posted on May 22, 2013

The first digit of a car’s price is revealed and the contestant is given seven one-dollar bills. The contestant must then predict the next digit in the price. For every number the contestant is from the correct number, they must give back one of the dollar bills. If the contestant has one dollar after all of the digits in the price of the car are revealed, then the contestant may purchase the car for one dollar.

Magic #
Posted on May 22, 2013

Two prizes are shown to the contestant. The contestant must select a number that falls between the prices of the prizes. If successful, the contestant wins both prizes.

Make Your Move
Posted on August 29, 2013

Three prizes – one with two digits, one with three digits, and one with four digits – are shown to the contestant, along with a series of nine numbers. The contestant must identify which numbers belong to which prizes, using each number only once. If successful, the contestant wins all three prizes.

Master Key
Posted on July 30, 2013

The contestant attempts to earn keys by identifying the prices of two small prizes. The contestant uses the keys earned to open locks corresponding to three prizes, one of which is a car. Three of the keys each open one lock, one key opens none of the locks, and one of the keys opens all three locks.

Money Game
Posted on August 12, 2013

The middle digit in the price of a car is revealed. The contestant is shown a board with nine pairs of digits. The contestant must select the first two digits and the last two digits in the price of the car before making four incorrect selections in order to win the car.

More Or Less
Posted on July 31, 2013

The contestant is shown four prizes, the last of which is a car. Each prize has an incorrect price displayed. The contestant must identify whether the actual price is more or less than the displayed price. If correct, the contestant wins the prize and continues to the next prize. If correct about all four prizes, then the contestant wins everything.